Monday, April 30, 2007

Footy update

Box Hill got absolutely flogged by Coburg on the weekend, and (again) so many injuries!! The coach was on the phone to me every 5min asking about people's capacity to go back on. It was mega-stressful. But on the up side, Yarraville beat Parkside, which means they've won twice this season already! I think the merge with Seddon has been a really great thing. I just wish I knew what my status was there...!

Oh, and Cousins is back in the country, woo hoo!!!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ben Cousins

Now, before I write anything I would like to remind you all that Ben Cousins was the first man that I ever loved. I have worshipped him since year 8, seriously. I know, I'm sad. But he was (and still is) hot. I even had a badge with his head on it... Yep. Obsessed.

Ok that being said...



Take all the time in the world. I don't love you any more. It's Judd now for me, all the way. If Ben C has to leave the club for Judd to stay then so be it. Goodbye my lover!! Good riddance! Have a nice life!
... but I'd love it if you came back :p (clean, of course)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Apparently, I'm a Meredith...

You're smart and hard working, but whether it's dating drama or family stress, you don't have an easy life. In fact, sometimes it seems like you can't choose a good guy, no matter how hard you try. But, like Meredith, you don't give up. You're determined that no matter what else is going on in your life, you'll focus on your school work and most of the time you do. Give yourself credit for how far you've come, and when it comes to love, look for a guy who'll give you the attention and respect you deserve.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Bobby Flynn

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

You're the best. Everyone else will realise that when you have your first big hit single, then they'll all jump on the bandwagon. But just remember that I loved you from the start.

Always and forever.

Northern Health

It's dearest Erin's first day today...


Happy New Year

Happy new year! Hope you're all doing fabulously and haven't broken your new years resolutions yet...

The start of 2007. The START of 2007. The start of a whole new year. A year of change, a year of excitement, a year of challenges, achievement and growth. That's what this year is going to be about for most of us. And we're all going to come out the other end very much alive and kicking! We're fully fledged physiotherapists. PHYSIOTHERAPISTS. How on earth did that happen? (V. happy about this).

Graduation was great, weird, but great! Since then I've been on numerous nights out, days at the beach, had my 21st, been to Lord Howe Island in NSW, surfing in Torquay, the Australian Open and back in Warrnie with the folks for xmas. It's been great.

I've got to go into the Austin this week to sort out all my contract stuff, then going back up to NSW (Deniliquin) for Sam's 21st. Can't wait! Thought I'd attach some of the photos that I've taken during this summer..... I'm off to the gym (thought I'd document this fact, as this may be the last time in a while :p... I figure watching people play tennis for hours on end has to count for SOMETHING!!!)


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The luxuries

Ahh the luxuries...

The luxuries of no university, no exams, (almost) no commitments. The luxuries of sleeping in, late nights.... It's funny how even when we have nothing too significant in our lives we still find something to stress ourselves out about.

It's the end of an era. It's kind of strange. Even though graduation is 2 weeks away we are kind of expected to call ourselves physios. And we are physios. It's seriously weird. We've done all the hard yards, placement after placement, exam after exam. And while we were doing these things we felt qualified, ready to enter the workforce, we were practically working as physios anyway..! Until the time actually comes to stand up and take the responsibility.. and to find a job!

I guess it's easy to focus on things that are in the immediate future. The things that are happening right here and right now are at the forefront of our minds, so much so that sometimes we lose track of what is in for us next... I guess as long as a long-term goal is kept in mind everything eventually falls into place. Things that you plan for yourself don't necessarily happen in sequential order, but they eventually happen. During exams it was intense, sitting at my desk for hours and hours on end, cramming information, crucial information for the best practice of physio, into my brain. I seriously don't know how I managed. But it's over now! The point is, while I was applying for jobs I wasn't really stressed about the outcome of my applications as that was not in the immediate future...

Now that exams are finished it's all about job hunting. And rejection! And application. And rejection! And application... until eventually you become successful. It's so hard to block the rejection out of your mind in preparation for the next interview. It can be really hurtful when you put everything you have out on the table and the interviewers can just flick it away without a second thought. It's almost insulting when they say "You were great!" (obviously not great enough!) One by one the cream of the crop are being employed, so as time passes it becomes (theoretically) easier to get a job. This is the theory I'm counting on.

Stop stressing Jac.

Anyway, Queensland in a week or so! How exciting. Can't wait to just lie on the beach without a care in the world. Also can't wait to see my friends again, being in Warrnie is quite isolating and I feel totally out of the loop (hence the blogging I suppose)! Bring on socialisation again!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just so you know...

Every Melbourne Uni fourth year physio student is going insane right about now... 9 days to go EVER! Intense. But awesome!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Just a notice to say that the ethics assignment should not be worth even close to 45%. It's retarded. And it also shouldn't be due in a week. Stupid uni. Blergh.

Oh, and welcome Penny!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Don't forget about Evermore!

I just realised I forgot to attach a photo of the Evermore concert! Enjoy...

I realise that this is going to detract from my rave about The Fray. It shouldn't though. The Fray are the best. Lol.

Please listen to them. They're the new cool.

A rave about The Fray

Dear fellow bloggers,

This is a rave about The Fray. The best band ever.

Erin and I went to see them in concert about a week ago at the POW in St Kilda. Seriously, these guys are so talented. It was their first concert ever in Australia and I felt so privelaged to be part of it!

The Fray are an American band and their most famous song is 'Over my head' which has reached #1 on the Australian charts recently. But by far their best song is 'How to save a life', also on their newly released album. Seriously guys, their music is great, so unbelievably chilled out. And the lead singer has the best voice ever, so natural. They played for over an hour and he probably had a 2 minute break the whole time, which is amazing considering he sings almost every song. Another bonus is that they have a geeky guitar player who I think is cute. Erin doesn't agree haha.

They also have a token hot guitar player... for all you other girls out there who aren't attracted to geeks!

I can't wait until they come to Australia again, I'll be first on the list to go and see them. What a night.

Oh and I've finished my 2nd last placement for the year (Neuro at RMH). So now all I have left is Olympic Park, which is going to be awesome, I can't wait to meet all of the talented sports physios who work there and hopefully get some experience with some elite teams and give me a taste of private practice, the good kind! I'll be a fully fledged physio in under 2 months! How good is that? I can't wait to graduate! It's going to be massive...

Love y'all xxox

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Three monthly life update

What's up homies?

Well it's been about three months since my last post and as always my life has been crazily good! I've officially completed five out of seven of my placements so far this year (only neuro at RMH and OPSM to go). The last placement I did was my non-clinical elective at CHESM, where I had to do and write up a research project. Seriously one of the most insane things ever. Remind me to never go into research! In fact, I don't think I'll ever need to be reminded! Luckily a lot of my college friends came to my rescue and were participants. Eternal thanks to everyone, you seriously all saved my day! I love y'all!

OK, the main things in my life lately have been full time work at GGT UDRH (driving to Hamilton every day), Brian moving out, Tim moving in, last footy game this saturday, and going out with Ez in the city! I don't really want to write about work, so I'm not going to. In fact, the only thing I want to write about is football (surprise surprise!). I drove up especially for the game on saturday because I'm the only trainer at yarraville that can tape, I had no choice. Anyway, I got there (on time as always) and Carly rocks up about an hour late (as always). This is fine, I decide not to tell her off because I'm sick of doing it and it has no effect anyway. But THEN she says "ohh sorry I'm late, I had to pick up Dubba". I'm like "What? Dubba? Hmmm. Why?" She says "cos he wants to drink and he's coming out with us later". I knew this already. They were going to the charity ball. This annoys me because Dubba and I were meant to go out that night and he forgot all about this ball that he had already paid for. I'm shitty at her because she's stealing him away! Illegitimate I know. Anyway. I can't be bothered typing out my frustrations because you're all going to laugh, roll your eyes and go, jac, seriously?! Haha. So yeah. I'm going to keep them in my head. I'm well aware that my thought processes are weird and totally not substantiated.

My fingers are getting tired! And I need to read about women's health because this is practically my only opportunity to do so for the next week. Getting on the piss this saturday night. It's going to be MASSIVE. Last footy game of the year. I'm going to miss all the boys but I'm sure I'll see them around. PLUS I'm going to LOVE having my saturdays back! Especially coming up to exams etc. Can't believe I'm almost a physio! Wurd!

Love y'all, take care xo

Thursday, May 25, 2006



A quick post to say that Physio Ball was heaps of fun (thanks Sam for the dress) even though the whole night my throat was killing me and I was excessively paranoid about losing my voice! My exercise class went well on Monday despite the CD snapping in my bag and me having to call Brian at the last minute. He is seriously the biggest life saver on the planet! Anyways...! I also went to the footy with Ads, Megsy and Coatesy last weekend to see West Coast win a really close game against Essendon. It was seriously SO much fun, and I took a few happy snaps! We stood at the race at the end of the half time break and saw them run out. I was within metres of Chris Judd and Benny Cousins. Seriously star struck. I love them! Waa why can't I be a trainer/Physio for West Coast damn it! Just you wait, I will be one, one day! Anyways it's all good. I also was lucky enough to go and see Evermore live with Erin last Saturday night. They are such good live performers. I'm now an official Evermore fan. Check out the pics!

Keep it real y'all! ...

By the way, I would've posted up a photo of Juddy or Cous but I don't have any real close ones, every time they got close the last thing on my mind was taking photos! Haha ;>.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006



I'm sorry but....


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Marry me, Chris Judd...


What's up homies? West coast had the best win last night, beating Collingwood at Subi. Cousins' first week back in the side from injury, and he played awesomely! However of course Juddy can not go unmentioned, the guy is magical. Like seriously from heaven freakily unbelievably skilled magical. I love it. And I love that he plays for the eagles, the best team on the planet! I'm seriously going to marry the entire side one day, you just wait...

Went out with the footy boys last night to Odeon at Crown casino, which turned out to be quite eventful. Was the first time I've ever been out with Carly, so that was cool, she's good value. Only arrived at the club at 11pm so lots of the guys had left (only the drunken ones remaining), which didn't matter, because they're the ones who I went out with later anyway. First time I've ever been to Odeon, was drunk enough to not really care where I was as long as there was music! Jules had some crazy idea of cheating on his girlfriend, Spence and I danced the night away and Jezza brooded for most of the night. Poor guy. Breaking up with Bri has been extremely hard on him, and although he tries to come across that he's coping OK, he really isn't. For the past few weekends he's been on the piss friday and sat nights, and he really loves her. Despite what he says.

But as Carrie said to me, they've only ever been with each other and it'll be good for them to experience the world without each other at least for a bit. I guess if they're meant to be together they'll get back together. Jezza is such a sweetie. If I was Bri I'd be hanging onto him tight! I'm going strong on the New Years resolution, against all odds. Physio ball is this thursday, should be a blast!! But for now, I've got a day off uni tomorrow and I'm going to Keys Road Moorabbin to the Puma factory to buy a west coast guernsey (I want to wear it to the Eagles vs Essendon game I'm going to see at the Telstra Dome with Ads next weekend) and also some nice exercise clothes that I can wear to take my exercise class for overweight adults. Should be fun as.


Thursday, May 04, 2006


How cool are my new sunnies?
I reckon they're awesome dude.
Like, fully sick

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hayds and Sheree's beautiful wedding

Auf Wiedersehen

cya later deneo, winksy and jonno! off to airlie beach to live, you lucky ducks! in fact, it's nothing to do with luck. these three boys (mainly winksy) have been planning this trip for months, since last footy season in fact. they headed up to qld last thursday, but many are speculating on jonno returning much earlier than the other two. winksy's up there because he's always loved qld, the weather, the laid back atmosphere, and his sister lives up there as well, which is also a bonus for him. both he and deneo have recently completed their apprenticeships as a builder and cabinet maker respectively and have found work up there already (yep, shows they're in very high demand!... the professions that is!)

deneo's dad has just recently gained custody over his sister and he's moving up to qld in an attempt to reconstruct his family. HOWEVER, he has a girlfriend back here in melb of 4yrs who he is in love with, who he has broken up with prior to leaving as he doesn't believe in long distance relationships. hmmmmm. see, this seems a little odd to me. let me paint a picture.

dene. a gorgeous boy, loving, caring, loves to make others laugh and meet new people (will do almost anything to achieve this). he's been with his gf tegan since school and is madly in love with her, they're best friends and more... in saying this, he's cheated on her multiple times with random people (i know, to all of you out there, this is going to sound really wrong and you're going to think that dene is a tool. but the thing is, he's NOT and he DOES love her). anyway, she has never found out about his infidelity. winksy has been planning this move to qld for years and about 5 months ago asked dene if he would come with him. dene said yes. dene didn't tell tegan. he didn't tell tegan til 1 month prior to him leaving the state. his reasoning being that he didnt want to prolong her pain, and seeing her upset would make him want to stay, and he couldn't stay because he'd made a promise to winksy.

at their farewell tegan was a mess. and dene was really sad. i was really sad because i really love dene and i'm going to miss him around the club. :-( ahhh well i'm sure we'll be reunited again. and in the meantime, poor tegan...

footy was fine on the weekend, no huge injuries (however i hope the captain of the seniors DOES get an XR to rule out a forearm #). it would be sad if he had a break, but it really needs to be done, and all you physios would understand!

back to uni next week, should be good!
keep it real!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cough, cough, SPLUTTER

Hehe, yes, I took a day off today. Not because I'm very ill, just because I have too much to do and too much sleep to be had!! Hayds and Sheree's wedding is coming up on Saturday, I can't wait. I'm road tripping it down to Warrnie with Ilks, so that should be a blast, it's been a while since we had some time to actually talk 1:1. Clinic is almost over. 5 more days of being grilled by grumpy supervisors and being made to do too much work! Enough complaining, can't wait for musc (I hope there is some sort of improvement at the Western, contrary to popular belief!)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The speech

Hi everyone!
I’m Jacqui and this is Terence, and we’re Stefan‘s uni friends. Terence and I first met Stefan at Physio Orientation Camp in the Summer of 2003, where we were all innocent and naïve teenagers, fresh out of school. This brown haired, blue eyed, pale skinned stud made such an impression on me that, despite exchanging daily conversation with him for a month, I still had absolutely no clue what his name was. Since then, we’ve both had the pleasure of getting to know him and have grown to love his quirks and wacky ways, even if it's meant listening to Jessica Simpson all day every day for a week, or playing internet minesweeper every 3 minutes over MSN during swot vac! Even though it’s been only 3 years, we’ve seen enough of him in this short time to realize that you could become a successful stand-up comedian using material based solely on the shenanigans that this guy gets up to. But tonight we’ll give just a few examples.

Stefan would have to be one of the luckiest students to ever grace the overrated name of Melbourne university. Somehow he has managed to scrape through every semester so far by the skin of his teeth. He has scored more 50s at uni than the Australian Cricket Team playing Bangladesh. In fact, if bets were being taken for who would win the award of ‘the luckiest person to graduate’, I would sell my clothes, my car, my organs and the rights to any future kids of mine and put all the resulting money on Stefan. Not that he isn’t smart. Oh trust me he’s smart! Who else would figure out that the best way to evade a fine for not buying a tram ticket would be to “accidentally” give the inspector the wrong number to his address. It’s just that, if he were any lazier, he would shift his tv, toilet and kitchen into his bedroom to avoid getting out of it. In fact, I’m actually starting to believe that the only reason why he’s managing to pass his exams is because he watches enough episodes of House and Grey’s Anatomy to give decent legitimate answers. If he were to stop going to the tennis with me rather than take a sickie from his extra clinic rotation that determines whether or not he would have to repeat the year, he would be a physio guru, and heavens above would definitely not be going around claiming he wants to have ‘Gill Webb’s babies’…

Not only is Stefan lazy, but he has a finely tuned memory for unimportant information. While he struggles to remember day-to-day get togethers and due dates, his memory tends to make a miraculous recovery when it comes to the TV guide. Stefan has no trouble remembering the exact days and times of his favourite programs. In fact, I think Stefan is the only male on the planet who actually enjoys the judging segment from Dancing with the Stars more than the actual dances!

Yes, Stefan has a passion for planting himself in front of the couch on any given day with a bowlful of chicken cheezels and 10L of coke. But this doesn’t mean that Stefan doesn’t enjoy exercise… oh no! On rare occasions he feels guilty about his prolonged inactivity and vows to start a health-kick, where he becomes extremely ambitious. A series of 100m sprints and a 2km run have been well in his repertoire, involving a scenic cruise around the local Brunswick neighbourhood. This is all well and good, except that afterwards, Stefan entertains us all with hourly complaints of back, neck and shoulder pain and vows never to get off his couch again. Who needs exercise when you have a mountain-high pile of junk food and a good 12 hours of recorded TV to watch?

Stefan has always been a ladies’ man... No, it’s not that he’s a player or a pimp. In fact, the girl who ends up with Stefan may just be the luckiest girl alive. It’s just that Stefan has had his moments. Yes, many of his male brethren have stood back and watched on, wondering just how in the world he does it. It seems that many a girl cannot resist the sheer attractiveness, the sheer manliness of the appallingly slouched back and the hair that just never seems to change which this man is so blessed by. Example number 1. It was two years ago on the Yarra River. Without going into TOO much detail, let’s just say that the night involved a boat so crammed the RSPCA would go nuts, roudy physio students dressed up to dance the night away, a little bit of FREE alcohol – the best kind of alcohol in Stefan’s books, and a dentistry girl of whom Stefan got to know well…really well….no I mean, really really well. SO well that it was surprising that he never even got her name. Not that he was really talking to her much. Oh no, getting names and phone numbers weren’t the objective of the night. Drunken public displays of affection, at the back of the boat outside an overflowing toilet in full view of all to see the two of them in each other’s arms in what can only be described as “violent cuddles” were more his thing for the night.

Example number 2 would be at Melissa’s 21st. The rest of us guys stood back and watched on as slowly and precisely like poetry written with a gold felt pen on silk cloth, Stefan weaved his magic on this particular girl on the dancefloor. It was like drinking vanilla coke – intriguingly smooth. To his credit, Stefan actually knows the name of this particular girl. In fact, he actually took the time to talk to her a little bit first. But surely enough, the two would be in each other’s arms on the dancefloor. Now as the rest of us watched we began to place bets. Just how long would he be kissing this girl? 10 minutes passes by…then 20 minutes…30 minutes….1 hour….an hour and a half…2 hours. In fact, just a little over two hours had passed by before he finally breathed unrecycled air. And when I finally went over to him I asked, “do you have ANY idea how long it’s been?” in which he replied “oh, I don’t know…30 minutes or so?” To this day he still thinks I’m a lying son of a bitch. But oh well, time flies by when you’re having fun huh?

Yes, it’s true, Stefan has definitely had his fair share with the ladies, and the truth is, they all love him. Not because he’s 6 foot 2 with an amazing tan and ripped abs, but because he somewhat resembles Forrest Gump. On many occasions, Stefan would merrily ride past us on his bicycle on the way to uni, shamelessly yelling a greeting to us at the top of his lungs across 5 lanes of traffic and a dinging tram, waving frantically. On the rare occasion that he didn’t ride his bike to uni in 2nd year, he could be seen daftly kicking rocks and sticks or tripping on the side of the footpath clumsily, but merrily, on his way back to International House.

Stefan is also great story teller, and is far from shy when it comes to telling people stories at his own expense, as long has he gets a laugh out of it. Like the time he was asleep and it was 2 or 3am. He was awoken by sounds coming down from his garage. Fearing that it was a band of Brunswick thugs, most probably from the gangland underworld as Brunswick is so famous for, he decided to go check it out. Now any sane sensible person would’ve grabbed a weapon for self-defense like a baseball bat, perhaps a fork or at the very least, his Tina Arena DVD which would’ve surely scared the thugs away. But no, whether it be his unrivaled stupidity or his way out of control macho-ness, he decided to go down without any weapon at all, seemingly believing that the sheer, brute natural power of his biceps will be all that’s needed. Thankfully for him the thugs ran away at the first sight of this tall monster, because if any fight did happen, Stefan would be six feet under or, at best, drinking out of a straw for the rest of his life.

But jokes aside, Stefan is most certainly one of the greatest blokes you could ever have as a friend. Behind the Tina Arena DVDs, the 10 packets of Tim Tams sitting in his old college room, the incessant “are we there yet?”s when driving him around, the constant stream of complaints following a hard core 5 minutes of exercise, the drunken escapades where every 3rd word coming out of his mouth is either the F or the C word or some combination of the two, the $15 Kmart jeans, and his incredibly annoying knack of rocking up to things wearing the same clothes as me, is a man who can make you smile when you feel like crap. A friend who is actually as mature as a wise old man when it comes to deep and meaningful issues. A pal who would let you crash at his place a hundred times in as many days. The go-to guy when it’s 3 seconds left before the buzzer and you need a person who just wouldn’t let you down. For the two of us, and I’m sure we speak for many if not all the uni people who’ve been lucky to know him, when we think back on our uni years, Stefan will be one of the first people to pop up in our minds. Put simply, life since uni started just wouldn’t have been as great without him around. Stefan, Happy 21st champ. Have a great night. And keep rockin like only Tina Arena can!

Last night

Stefan's 21st...

What a night to remember!!!

Love y'all

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Almost the last day of clinic!

Well well, my last day of clinic at the Royal Children's is tomorrow! I've had a really great time there, it's been totally full on at times but also really rewarding. Kids can be little brats but they can also be so cute! At times I was really sad walking around the hospital because there's so many sick kids there who are suffering along with their families, but, as all physios end up doing, I tried to detach myself emotionally from everything. But I can still safely say that they're still all so cute!

Case presentation was on Tuesday, it went OK, I presented on PTA in children. It was a really interesting topic and I met with the Neuropsychologist to get some more information! Was a lot of work so I'm glad it's over now...

Pub crawl was last night! I wasn't going to go because I'd already made an appointment with Mandy at the Prahran gym for her to take me around (30 day free pass). I went with Mattie, did BodyPump (am SOOO sore today!) and we got home by 8:30pm, had tea etc.... then I was going to drop Matt off at the pub and realised that it was totally pointless for me not to go in! Thongs on, crappy clothes and no makeup! Haha. Despite this, I honestly forgot how much I miss everyone during the year! Last year I lived in my own little world with a lot of association with Mattie and B, physios and footy players, kind of forgetting about all the awesome friends I made at college over the past couple of years! I had so much fun and really really wanted to stay for longer and drink damnit!!... but I'm such a sook and can't handle being tired, especially at clinics. I had to get up at 7:30am and struggled as it was, being in bed by midnight! I don't know how I handled first year! Honestly schmonestly! The whole of first semester in first year I went on about 3hrs of sleep every night! Although admittedly I was kind of a wreck at the end of the semester, but still, I survived!! CRAZY

I was going to go to footy training with Bahry tonight but Ant messaged me and said don't worry about it so I have a night off! I really want to go and do BodyCombat at the gym but I'm way too sore! I wish I could just wish away my DOMS and go crazy! D'oh!

Heaps of people are leaving Australia soon! Bye Dylan, Lish, Penny, Aiden, WORLD! :-( Anyway Mattie's home so I'd better jet! He left about 45mins ago determined to go and get a haircut and has just returned with one! Damn it boys, I would never be able to do that, girls have to make appointments!!! Although I haven't had my hair cut in a looooooooong time. Shh, don't tell anyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Yay, beach day!

Hello all

The fight with Tim has officially ended, with him ringing me last night and apologising for calling me a snob. I then felt compelled to apologise for reacting so viciously. Still think that my response was substantiated though, considering he only sms'd me at 11:30pm to tell me where he was, clearly I'd given up on him by then! Anyway, hakuna mattata.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to meet the girls (and Pete) at the beach. It's meant to be 32 degrees and sunny. I've been waiting for this day for a looong time. I've been going down to the beach fairly regularly, but you honestly can't beat the company, it makes it all the more fun. I got a message from Jess Banner today to tell me that she's moving to Perth- I'm so excited for her, and I reckon I'll be joining her in a couple of years! GO WEST COAST! Good times.

Anyway, I'd better go and wrap my brother's Xmas present, I got him the Matt Tilly gotcha call CD because those calls really shit me up the wall... and anything that shits me up the wall he really takes a liking for! Plus, he loves the comedy. Alas, I fear now that I'll be hearing WAYY too much of Matt Tilly and my head will be spinning in circles by the time I start my placement on the 3rd of January. Oh well, at least I have someone to blame! Haha.

Have a good one guys.

Oh and by the way, do you know what people do in Thailand if they get boxed in? The boxer-innerer leaves their handbrake off so that the person who's boxed in is able to push their car out of the way! Can you imagine if that system was implemented in Australia? No way Jose. It would be one mad country with a lot of angry folk!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Wassuppp ma homies?!

Well, well, well, we meet again! Who would've thought? Long time no type! Yes, I went to Missy and Ben, and it was one the best concerts I've ever been to. Subsequently I fell in LOVE with beautiful Ben Lee and his eternally happy music. I actually went as far to tell one of the weird guys from Physio that Ben Lee was in fact my boyfriend, and he believed me! I then went on to tell him that I had to go because he had just come over and was setting up his DJ equipment to fuel our post-exam party! What a gullible boy. And everything thinks that I'm bad!! All that we had going was a cocktail night with all the girls (and Stefan) and then went out in the city to Billboards. Was fully sick mate! We were all wearing our awesome cocktail dresses so let's just say that we got a bit of attention from the boys when we were out. Including Chris, who really really really didn't want it! She was wearing the happy birthday headband and was really beating them off with a stick! When we were out we met this guy called Ben who I swear looked like the lead singer from Coldplay, he was very entertaining!!

I finished my exams early in November, so I had the rest of November to chill, do my Level 2 Sports Trainer's certificate (funded by the Yarraville Football Club, thank you very much, $500 later!!), volunteer for a Neuro/Geriatrics conference and enjoyed pissing Mattie off by doing nothing while he had to study all day. Poor boy! Anyways, that was fun, and I arrived back in Warrnambool on the last Saturday in November to attend Laura's 21st. What a night it was. It had been at least 2 weeks since I last had a drink so it felt like 2 years, we hit the Gal for about 45 minutes then ended up back at her place dancing in her living room! It was great!!

Last weekend I went up to Ballarat to visit Laura again and we had the leftover drinks from her 21st, which also turned out to be a great night. My school friends are legends, I've missed them so much when I've been in Melbourne, although while I'm there I don't realise it!

This week I'm going to go for a walk along the beach with Jane and play tennis with Em, Pete and maybe Jane/Hayden. Then it's xmas, where we inevitably are going to the Coates' house for lunch (they have two annoying little boys so I spend my xmas day trying to stop myself from being violent!), and after that (on the 28th) we're heading up to Melbourne to see the Lion King. Then New Years in Melbourne, then I begin my placement in Warrnambool on the 3rd Jan. Will be up in Melbourne for the weekends of the 14th and 28th, as I have 21sts and am going to the Australian Open! Hope to see y'all there!

Can't wait to see all my Physio homies who have been overseas for the past month, they are going to have so many awesome stories to tell me!! Let me know when you get back Terence!!

Love y'all!

Friday, October 28, 2005

No pics allowed

Peek a boo at cardio clinic!

STudy sCHmudy

That's all i have to say, except for WHAT IS WITH THE UNDERLINING? I can't get rid of it!... AGAIN!?!

OH! AND I'm going to see Missy Higgins and Ben Lee perform in 3 days! WOOOOT!

Monday, October 17, 2005


Michael and I at the races

Wow, it seems like i still have readers after all this time! How awesome! Michael sent me a photo of us at race day on Saturday, so check it out!

Got my clinical exam tomorrow worth 10% i think? Not really stressed about it, don't know why. I have one of the coolest supervisors on the planet. Toby. He's seriously awesome. He's so relaxed and fun to be around, he even starts practicing his golf swing in the middle of the gym with a SPS! It's really hilarious. He's 29 but he looks about 22, and reckons he has never had to do a cardio placement or auscultate a chest his whole life (and if he was asked to auscultate he wouldn't have a clue what to listen for!). He isn't that much help in a knowledge-base kind of a way, but he's great company!

Better get to organising my subjective and objective assessments! Woo hoo. Can't wait til I can drink drink drink and partayyyyyyy!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Hi everyone!

How are you all? I bet no one even reads this blog any more because I haven't updated it in so long! I'm sorry! Been busy. Quite very considerably busy! Yesterday I went with Ilks, Stefan, Michael, Rhi and Ash to the Caufield Cup for the first time ever... it was SO much fun! I can't believe how great a time I had. Seriously, horse racing has never really appealed to me- but the day was great, it didn't seem really that much about horse racing, just about dressing up, having a few drinks and basking in the beautiful Spring sunshine! I totally loved it! Tell you what, there were so many people there though.

Every arrived classily, looking totally gorgeous in their frocks and suits- but by the end people were stumbling around barefoot, looking kind of vague, trying to figure out which direction they were supposed to be going in and yelling like hooligans! It was hilarious! They even had those people in gowns from the Carlton Draught ad! It was totally cool! Not to mention the fact that I snuck a drink bottle of goon in despite thorough bag inspections :p. Ahh I'm so nifty... and tight!

Oh my gosh, I wish I could go to the Melbourne Cup! If only it wasn't during exams!

...Although I guess exams aren't stopping me from going to the Missy Higgins and Ben Lee concert that's going to happen on the 31st October (the night before our first exam apparently)! Bring it on BIYUTCH! Yayyyy! Cheers guys and please comment if you actually read this blog! HAHA. Should be interesting.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Love life update

Just thought I'd fill you in on the latest in Jac's soap opera love life... it's now officially on the UP. Proud to say it. Hoo-ray-zuh!

Recent happenings

Well, well, well. What can I say? This blog has kind of been neglected over the past few months- and I reassure my friends that I am still alive and kicking! I'm halfway through my Neuro placement at Sunshine Hospital at the moment, which is going well. I don't really enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Cardio at RMH but you get that, and I'm glad that I'm experiencing this area of Physio now rather than later when I'm graduated. At least I know now what to avoid!

Footy is going well, there are 4 games left of this season and then I'll have my Saturdays back! Should be great... but I'm also going to miss the social side of it all. I've enjoyed being crazy and going out every weekend, but I think it'll be great also to just sit and chill out for a while. Also to catch up with people I haven't seen in donkey's years!

I made a phone cover for my mobile last night. Matt thinks it's crap and that I'm going to change it within a week. I'm going to leave it on for months. I hope that I don't get sick of it... even if I do, I'm going to stay in denial. MUST WIN.

Alright, I have to go to work. It's sunny today so I'm stoked. Perhaps it won't be such a bad day after all. Going out to Trader Bar with Adrian and friends tonight, then out to Billboards a bit later on to meet the footy boys who will be plastered. Hawhaw I love their antics, they're seriously so entertaining.

Love y'all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


just a word of advice, please don't ask me about my love life because i don't want to talk about it- as always, it is shambles.

Friday, June 03, 2005

goss update

yeah i know i haven't written in this blog in ages, truth is, i have been blogging at another site! but the other site is an absolute secret and contains information that none of you will ever know about me. yes, that's right. it holds my deepest darkest secrets! hawhaw, not really, but you get the picture. so i've been distracted by this newer, more spiffy blog and have neglected to update you all on what has been happening!

i'm into my final week of cardio placement at rmh next week. it's been such a great experience, i really want to keep going with it! but at the same time i can't wait to have a 3 week holiday and then a week of uni, it's going to be slack as! yayyy. my supervisors have been awesome so far, even though heaps of people were saying that leonie was going to be a bitch and make all the girls cry, i found her to be quite nice! you just have to know how to take her i guess. plus, in third year they don't expect as much from us i suppose. fourth year is going to be the real test.

footy is going really well, i'm getting to know all of the guys quite well now. it's great, i can go there and feel comfortable starting up a conversation with anyone there, and i know all of their names now which is awesome. it means that when they all queue up for a rub i can remember who was next and yell out their name. i think they've all got a lot more respect for me as well since i've been working for the club for more than a year now and also since i've been making a huge effort to get to know them all and attend the social functions.

i've met a guy at footy, he's the cutest guy ever. name is chris winks or "winksy". i've always thought he was a cutie but never really considered the option of hooking up with him. then when he showed interest we just hit it off. went on a date with him about 1.5 weeks ago to the movies, i was a bit scared to start off with but when i hang around with him it's all so casual and he makes me feel relaxed. on the other hand, i think he was shitting himself! i think maybe that's why i wasn't so nervous, cos i knew that he would be a lot worse than i would! anyway, since we first kissed on the footy cross-dressing night i've been seeing him a bit, nothing is official by all means but i guess what i'm trying to say is that we have potential. that is, if he becomes more willing to hang out with me when he's not around all his friends. half the times i've kissed him has been in front of his friends, so i'm hoping that'll change!

anyways, that's the goss. going to dane's tonight for a delicious dinner no doubt! yayyy i get to see everyone again! i haven't seen so many collegians in ages, i'm just lazy and so incredibly busy! and i've been preoccupied with footy... oops! heheee

gotta run but i wuv you all! xx

Friday, May 06, 2005

hollywood dress-up night

winksy (austin powers), he's a cutie!

silky (nelly) and thorny (disco stew), love 'em!

Monday, April 25, 2005

so yeah

It's ok, i'm still alive, just living it up since i'm FREE now! Yeee-harrrr. Finished exams on Friday and haven't had a good night's sleep since, unfortunately! I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning, it's going to be so nice. But this weekend has been so worth it! Went to Dyls' on Friday night, then had a cocktail night with Stefan, Chris, Mattie and Sam, then worked all Saturday...

THEN drove to Bendigo for Carina's 21st, which ended up being a pretty good night. THEN drove back to Melbs again, THEN woke up at 8:00am this morning to drive Pete to Spencer St. Man! I'm a machine! And that's after a week of non-sleep and nonsense! Yeah-ii-yeah!

I can't be bothered writing any more. Sorry Dane! x

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

learner on the roads

cal has just got his L plates- and promptly crashed into his friends recycling bin. apparently he's now a member of the WORM

a Warrnambool Opposed to Recycling Modules group- these boys have too much time on their hands i say! me? i can't even figure out how to get this gay underlining thing to stop happening! hmmmmm....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Footy training is tomorrow YAYYY, I can't wait!